Things about Scientology

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Table of ContentsAn Unbiased View of ScientologyScientology for BeginnersScientology Can Be Fun For EveryoneThe Of ScientologyMore About Scientology
That his survival depends upon himself and upon his fellows, and his accomplishment of brotherhood with the World.(from Those Interested New Cults, by William J. Petersen) How, then, can Scientology be examined by biblical Christianity? Its main presumption that male is essentially excellent is not scriptural.

Second, Scientology's highest possible authority is not Jesus Christ or the Christian Scriptures yet a science fiction writer named L. Ron Hubbard. Third, to Scientology God is unnecessary.

Nothing is said concerning the circumstances of the poor, the ill, the homeless and oppressed. Comparison that to biblical Christianity which offers redemption without cash and without price.

Guy's factor will produce perfect habits and as a result solve all the troubles of the human circumstance. (from The Challenge of the Cults, by Maurice Burrell) Scientology: Although the Holy bible is made use of to bolster up the sect's ideas, the source of Scientology's philosophy and innovation is Hubbard himself. Christianity: As words of God, the Bible is the yardstick against which all claims (including those of Hubbard) have actually to be measured.

The Main Principles Of Scientology

Scientology: Christ has no crucial or main location in the sect's trainings. Scientology: Male is primarily excellent, however "engrams" (mental hang-ups) avoid him from reaching his complete capacity.

Christianity: Guy requires to be conserved from wrong and to be offered new life. The Obstacle of the Cults. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Publication House.

1987. L. Ron Hubbard: Messiah or Madman. Secaucus, New Jersey: Lyle Stuart. King, Francis. 1970. Routine Magic in England. London: Neville Spearman, Ltd. . Miller, Russell. 1987. Bare Encountered Messiah: Real Story of L. Ron Hubbard. London: Penguin Books, Ltd. . Petersen, William. 1982. Those Curious New Cults in the 80's.

A Biased View of Scientology

Written by L. Ron Hubbard in September 1965. A human being without craziness, without lawbreakers and without war, where the able can prosper and honest beings can have rights, and where Male is free to rise to greater elevations, are the purposes of Scientology. Introduced to an enturbulated world in 1950, these aims are well within the understanding of our modern technology.

We look for no transformation - Scientology. We seek just evolution to higher states of being for the specific and for society. We are achieving our purposes. After limitless millennia of lack of knowledge regarding himself, his mind and the universe, a breakthrough has actually been made for Male. Various other efforts Male has made have actually been exceeded.

We invite you to Scientology. Scientology is the most crucial activity on Planet today. In a rough globe the job is not easy.

The Greatest Guide To Scientology

We appreciate you and think you also can help. Scientology does not owe its aid. Guy believes all deals of help.

We may err, for we construct a world with broken straws. We will certainly find out here never betray your faith in us so long as you are one of us. The sun never the original source ever sets on Scientology. And might a new day dawn for you, for those you love and for Man. Our aims are straightforward if wonderful.

In the words of L. Ron Hubbard himself, the goals of Scientology are: "a civilization without insanity, without criminals and without battle, where the able can prosper, and honest beings can have civil liberties, and where guy is totally free to rise to higher elevations." (See What Is Scientology?) As the goal for the person, Scientology seeks the salvation of guy, his spiritual liberation and the freedom of the barriers which existence has been imposing on him.

The search for responsibility is the highway where Scientologists seek their liberty; responsibility which needs bettering our life which of our fellow male prior to getting to exceptional goals. Goals of such breadth can not be gotten to entirely through pastoral work lugged out by the fans. Therefore, the Church of Scientology International created various teams or associations which execute social projects devoted to those purposes.

The Best Guide To Scientology

For Scientologists, the true self is the spirit, the thetan, the timeless significance of each person. For millions and countless years prior to this life, the thetan has existed and inhabited numerous bodies. This process of moving on and being born-again as a child in a brand-new body, called reincarnation or rebirth in some eastern religions, happens as a natural and company website regular part of deep space.

It would reverberate with the picture in the Bhagavadgita of dying as similar to someone losing garments (the body) and placing on new clothing (a brand-new body). At the very same time, it additionally varies in crucial respects from eastern concepts. For instance, there is no idea in karma neither is the thetan seen as experiencing any sort of moral judgment in between lives that has any kind of function in determining its next incarnation.

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